Piles - Home Remedies for Piles

Piles is a very common ailment. Women have higher incidence than men. The intuit behind it is not clearly known. It is more ordinarily seen in youthful age group and aged persons who all seem to be more tensed.

In curative terminology, piles is known as hemorrhoids. Piles refers to a health in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen and inflamed. It is the dilatation (varicosity) of the veins of anus. It appears as bluish coloured swellings due to stagnated blood. Piles arise due to the increased pressure of internal or external veins around the anal canal.

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Piles can be both internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids, unless they are severe, cannot be seen or felt. There is however, a removal of dark blood. External hemorrhoids can be seen around the face of the anus, and there is a lot of pain but not much bleeding. In some cases, the veins burst and this results in what is known as bleeding piles.

Piles - Home Remedies for Piles

Symptoms -

Symptoms of piles vary, and depend on the type and place of origin. Piles in its initial stage is most ordinarily found to be without any symptoms.

However, the most common symptoms consist of -

o Intense pain at the time of passing stool.

o A pain around the anus and lower rectum, which can be quite severe.

o Frequent ineffectual urge for stool without passing stool or without satisfaction of unblemished evacuation.

o Itching in the rectal area.

o There may be bleeding. This will be intelligent red blood, not usually mixed in with the motion.

o There is often a feeling of something bulging, or hanging down from the anus.

o If a haemorrhoid at the face of the anus gets a blood clot, it leads to tender lump.

o Anemia due to profuse bleeding.

o Wind formation in the stomach.

o Sitting becomes difficult due to pain.

If left untreated, piles can lead to complications including, infection, prolapse, necrosis and gangrene. Painful bleeding usually indicates startup of complications.

Causes -

Haemorrhoids are very common. It is more common in people, who usually follow a low fibre, and high processed diet, such as processed flour, polished rice, bread etc. The main contributory cause is whatever that raises the pressure in the abdomen, which leads the blood vessels to swell and become engorged.

Thus, the main cause of piles consist of -

- People chronically suffering from constipation.

- Even diarrhoea can cause piles. The strain for passing the stool is the main intuit for the amelioration of piles.

- After or while pregnancy, as the baby may press on the main blood vessel that returns blood to the heart.

- Overweight people.

- Physical strain - even coughing for long periods can cause the anal veins to strain.

- General weakness of the tissues of the body.

- Low fiber diet

- Age

- Hereditary

- Anal intercourse

- Prolonged periods of sitting or standing.

- Strenuous work

- Mental tension

Piles treatment -

It is usually best to treat piles with the least treatment possible, as even after the most whole treatments, there is a possibility that they may still return.

Usually, piles becomes better with increased water intake, a high fibre dietary regimen and other measures to literal, the constipation. Care for blood loss should be taken to avoid anaemia.
Many times, they determine on their own over a matter of days without any treatment.

Haemorrhoidectomy refers to the removal of the pile by surgery. In this advanced laser treatment, the surgery reduces the pain and blood loss. However, in procedure of time, there is a possibility of the recurrence of piles even after surgery.

Over the counter drugs, consist of cream or suppositories. These soothe itching and pain, and cause the swelling and bleeding to diminish.

If the pain is very severe, cold compresses with ice can be helpful.

Homeopathic treatment, under an devotee is also an sufficient way of dealing with this problem.

Prevention -

Haemorrhoids are very common, and may occur even after surgical removal. However, one may follow distinct preventive steps to avoid recurrence -

- Avoid becoming overweight, and lose weight if you are.

- Eat a high fibre diet.

- Exercise regularly.

- Take rest and avoid long walks if you are suffering form piles.

- Drink abundance of water and follow regular bowel habits to avoid constipation.

- Use Indian style toilets since the squatting position is better for natural defecation

- If required, pass stool twice a day to avoid constipation.

- Don't strain to evacuate hard faecal matter.

- Take unquestionably digestible, uncomplicated homemade food. Avoid spices, chilli, very hot or cold food, and alcohol.

- Take foods such as green vegetables, ginger, onion, garlic, beetroot, bitter gourd, which helps in curative piles.

- Avoid eating potato, and the yellow range of pumpkin.

- Take abundance of high fibre fruits especially papaya, mango, lime, jamun, figs, etc.

- Avoid sedentary habits, alcohol, smoking and unnecessary drugs like painkillers.

Some beneficial home remedies for piles -

- Take 1 table spoon of roasted black cumin seeds and mix with 1 tablespoon of unroasted black cumin seeds and powder both together. Take 1/2 a teaspoon of this mixture with a glass of water once a day.

- Drink a glass of buttermilk with 1/4 tsp carom seed powder (ajwain) and a pinch of rock salt.

- The jamun fruit should be taken with salt every morning for two or three months while its season.

- Soak 2-3 dried figs in a glass of cold water overnight. Have it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Have them for 2-3 weeks for good results. It is sufficient in the treatment for ordinary as well as bleeding piles.

- Mix 1 teaspoon fresh mint leaves juice with 1 teaspoon lemon juice & 1 tablespoon honey. Take 3 times a day for relief from piles.

- Take ½ cup radish juice in the morning and night for a period of 1 month.

- Boil 1 ripe banana in 1 cup of milk, mash well. Take 3-4 times a day.

- Extract 3 teaspoon of bitter gourd juice, and mix in 1 glass of buttermilk, and drink on an empty stomach every morning, for a month.

Piles - Home Remedies for Piles

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Impact Of nutrition On The National schooling And wholesome increase

Nutrition is an obvious factor in instruction and health growth of a nation. A healthy learner is a effective student. Good nutrition is increasingly perceived as an investment in human capital that yields returns today as well as in the future, while bad nutrition is a treat to the nation. The global loss of group productivity in 1990 is caused by four overlapping types of malnutrition â?? stunting and disorders related to iodine iron and vitamin A scantness â?? amounted to roughly 46 million years of effective disability â?? free life nutrition raises returns on investment in instruction and health care.

A body of literature observed that there is a heavy decline in knowledge in Nigeria from 1980s unlike the past years. Some attributed this decline to the malnutrition during the past civil war. A researcher noted that in the 1980s Nigeria had the bottom number of indigenous engineers of any Third World country. The teaching of English, which is the language of instruction beyond former school, had reached such poor levels that university faculty complained their inability to understand the written work of their students due to ineffective communication there is a lot of quack graduates and workers in the country. By 1990 the accident in instruction was such that it was expected that in few decade to come, there would be insufficient personnel to run essential services of the country. This calls for a serious concentration before the nation losses all her skilled labour force. I have categories these problems into two major nutritional factors, the problem of undernutrition and malnutrition. The purpose of this write â?? up is to characterize the impact of nutrition on the gift and past and essential steps taken to arrest the situation. It will also supply some relevant solutions to the problem.

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Nutritional Problems:

Impact Of nutrition On The National schooling And wholesome increase

Nigeria as a country is characterized by two major nutritional problems which includes undernutrition and micronutrient. The rest have dinky impact and may be reserved for now.
Undernutrition is characterized by inadequate intake of macronutrients. It often starts in utero and may extend throughout the life cycle. It also spans generations. Undernutrition occurs during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence, and has a cumulative negative impact on the birthweight of hereafter babies. A baby who has suffered intrauterine growth retardation (Iugr) as a fetus is effectively born malnourished, and has a much higher risk of dying in infancy. The consequences of being born malnourished extend into adulthood. during infancy and early childhood, frequent or prolong infections and inadequate intakes of nutrients (particularly energy, iron, protein, vitamin A, and Zinc) may add to the contribution of Iugr to preschool underweight and stunting. In Nigerian situation, infants after period of exclusive breast feeding are followed up with weaning which consist of pap, akamu, ogi, or koko and is made from maize (Zee Mays), millet (pennisetum americanum), or guinea corn (sorghum spp.). Habitancy from low earnings groups seldom feed meat, eggs, or fish to their infants, because of socio-economic factors, taboos, and ignorance.

In Anambra State, Nigeria, Agu observed that pap contained only 0.5% protein and less than 1% fat, as compared with 9% protein and 4% fat in the former corn. This is ordinarily due to poor processing. Akinele and Omotola investigated the energy and protein intake of infants and children of the low earnings group. They reported that about one-third to one-half of the infants suffered varying degrees of malnutrition and 10% were wasted and stunted. A more recent Nigerian National recognize conducted by the Demographic and health recognize (Dhs) in 1990 settled the proportion of underweight children under five years of age (those below â??2Sd weight-for-age ) at 36% together with 12% severely underweight. (below -3 Sd). The prevalence of stunting (below â??2 Sd height â?? for â?? age) was 43% together with 22% severe stunting (below â?? 3Sd) while the levels of wasting and severe wasting were 9% and 2% respectively. In 1986 in Ondo State, Nigeria, Dhs recognize of children aged 6 to 36 months is 28% prevalence for underweight, 32% for stunting, and 7% for wasting.
For adults and older children, it is ordinarily potential to perform an enough protein â?? energy intake by increasing the daily intake of starchy foods of low nutrient density. For infants and small children, however, the volume of the former diets maybe too large to allow the child to ingest all the food essential to cover his or her energy needs. A baby aged four to six months would need 920g of corn gruel to meet daily needs of energy (740 Kcal) and protein (13g). This is an impossible task, considering the size of an in factâ??s stomach.

President Chief Olusegun Obasanjo rightly observed that roughly half of children ages 7-13 in Nigerian are continue underweight. A lot of children and adults go to bed starved and some take one meal a day which mostly consists of carbohydrates.

Micronutrient is another hard nut to break in the area of nutrition. It is the inadequate intake of key vitamins and minerals. It can be observed both among the rural and urban dwellers in Nigeria. The lack of vitamins and minerals ensue in irreversible impairment to child corporal and reasoning development. Apart from the indirect effects on the mother, micronutrient deficiencies during fertilization have serious implications for the developing fetus. Iodine scantness disorders may cause foetal brain damage or still birth (mental retardation, delayed motor development) and stunting. Iodine scantness in during foetal amelioration and infancy has been shown to depress brain quotient levels by 10-15 points. Foliate scantness may ensue in neural tube or other birth defects and preterm delivery, and both iron scantness anemic and vitamin A scantness may have essential implications for the hereafter infantâ??s morbidity and mortality risk, vision, cognitive amelioration sacrifice their quality to concentrate and fully participate in school and socially interact and develop. It is on report that 40% of children under 5 years of age suffer vitamin A deficiency. It is the major cause of preventable, severe optic impairment and blindness in children. The most vulnerable is a high division of pre-schoolchildren and pregnant women who are anemic. These two nutrition problem are enormous in Nigeria situation have a great impact in the cheaper and group life of the country.

The ensue Of nutrition On National Education:

Nutrition has a dynamic and synergistic connection with economic growth through the channel of education. Behrman cites three studies suggesting that, by facilitating cognitive achievement, child nutrition and instruction can significantly growth wages. In utero, baby and child nutrition affects later cognitive achievement and studying capacity during school years, finally increasing the quality of instruction gained as a child, juvenile and adult. Parental instruction affects in utero, baby and child nutrition directly through the quality of care given (Principally maternal) and indirectly through increased household income. Human capital development, primarily through education, has received merited concentration as a key to economic development, but early childhood nutrition has yet to secure the required emphasis as a essential facilitator of instruction and human capital development.

A recent study shows that early childhood nutrition plays a key role in cognitive achievement, leaning capacity and ultimately, household welfare. For example, protein - energy malnutrition (Pem) deficiency, as manifested in stunting is related to lower cognitive amelioration and instruction achievement; low birth weight is related to cognitive deficiencies; iodine scantness in pregnant mothers negatively affects the reasoning amelioration of their children can cause delayed maturation and diminished intellectual performance; iron scantness can ensue in impaired concurrent and hereafter studying capacity. This goes a long way to prove that nutrition have a great impact to national instruction as Nigeria is fully experiencing this ugly impact now and in time to come.

The ensue Of nutrition On health Growth:

A health nation is a wealthy nation. nutrition has a great impact on every nationâ??s growth especially as we can see in Nigeria situation. Inadequate consumption of protein and energy as well as deficiencies in key micronutrient such as iodine, vitamin A and iron are also key factors in the morbidity and mortality of children and adults. Mal-nourished children also have lifetime disabilities and weakened immune systems.

Moreover, malnutrition is related with disease and poor health, which places a further burden on household as well as health care systems. Disease affects a personâ??s amelioration from a very early age. Gastro-enteritis, respiratory infections and malaria are the most prevalent and serious conditions that can affect amelioration in the first three years of life. In factions affect childrenâ??s amelioration by reducing their dietary intake; causing a loss of nutrients; or increasing nutrient request as a ensue of fever.

Malnutrition also plays a essential role in morbidity among adults. The link in the middle of morbidity from persisting disease and mortality, on the one side, and a high body mass index (Bmi), on the other has been recognized and analyzed in industrialized countries primarily for the purpose of determining life insurance risk. A study on Nigerian men and women has shown mortality rates, among chronically energy â?? deficient Habitancy who are mildly, gently and severely underweight to be 40, 140 and 150 percent greater than rates among non-chronically energy â?? deficient people.
A lack of micronutrients also contributes significantly to the burden of disease. Iron scantness is related with malaria, intestinal parasitic infections and persisting infections. persisting iodine scantness causes goiter in adults and Children and also affects reasoning health. Vitamin A scantness significantly increases the risk of severe illness and death from common childhood infections, particularly diarrhoeal diseases and measles. In areas where vitamin A scantness exists, children are on median 50 percent more likely to suffer from acute measles. A Un report states that revision in vitamin A status have been discount in mortality among children aged one to five.

Evaluation Of The gift And Past Efforts:

There have been series of bold step toward solution seeing by government and non-governmental organizations (Ngo) to eradicate mal nutrition and its reacted ensue both in the gift and past, though some proved abortive due to bad government and economic dwindling which characterized the 1980s, to trace this chronologically. In 1983, the U.S. Group for international amelioration (Usaid) began providing aid to the Nigerian Federal and State Ministries of health to organize and implement programs in house planning and child survival. There focus was in three areas, but especially in the government and group services area. It will also be focused on catalyzing the growth and leverage of Ngos working at the community and national levels in health care withhold and democratization. The Usaid committed and 5 million to bilateral aid programs for the period of 1986 to 1996 as Nigeria undertook an initially thriving structural Adjustment program, but later abandon it. Plans to commit 0 million in aid from 1993 to 2000 were interrupted by strains in Us â??Nigeria relations over human right abuses, the failed transition to democracy, and a lack of cooperation from the Nigerian Government on anti â?? narcotics trafficking issues. By the mid â?? 1990â??s these problems resulted in the curtailment of Usa Id activities that might advantage the troops government.

In 1987, The International organize of Tropical Agriculture (Iita), under the essential Researcher Dr. Kenton Dashiell, Launched an ambitions effort in Nigeria to combat thorough malnutrition. They encourage using nutritious prudent soybeans in daily food. They further said that soybeans are about 40% protein â?? rich than any of the common vegetable or animal food source found in Africa. With the increasing of maize, rice and other cereals to the soybeans, the resulting protein meets the standards of the United Nations Food and Agricultural society (Fao). Soybeans also contain about 20% oil which is 85% unsaturated and Cholesterol free. Though that is nice agenda for alleviation of malnutrition started at period, a lot of socio economic thorns hindered its allowable function during this period.

The world health society (Who) in 1987 estimated that there were 3 million cases of guinea worm in Nigeria about 2 percent of the world total of 140 million cases manufacture Nigeria the nation with the top number of guinea worm cases. In affected areas, guinea worm and related complications were estimated to be the major cause of work and school absenteeism.

In August 1987, the federal government launched its former health care plan (Phc), which President Ibrahim Babangida announced as the cornerstone of health policy. Intended to affect the entire national population, its main stated objectives included accelerated health care personnel development; improved collection and monitoring of health data; ensured availability of essential drugs in all areas of the country; implementation an expanded agenda on Immunization (Epi); improved â??nutritionâ?? throughout the country; promotion of health awareness amelioration of a national house health program; and thorough promotion of oral dehydration therapy for rehabilitation of diarrheal disease in baby and children.

The president Chief Olusegun Obasanjo in 2002 meeting with the president international Union of Nutritional sciences (Iuns) promised to withhold a best coordination of nutrition activities and programs in Nigeria, he further said that â??the high prevalence of malnutrition is totally unacceptable to this Government and he assured the Iuns president that he would do all potential to ensure that resources are available to heighten household food security greater way to healthcare services and best caring capacity by mothers together with supported for breast feeding promotion.

In the 27th September 2005 Nigerian President Chief Olusegun Obasanjo Lunched the Nasarawa State School feeding agenda at the Laminga former school. The agenda is fully funded and administrated by the state of Nasarawa, which makes it a unique model in Africa today. The epoch manufacture event is in fulfillment of one of the promises of combating malnutrition especially among children whom he observed that many at the age of 7 â?? 13 years are underweight. He further promises to reach out about 27 million children during the advent 10 years. The Nafdac are also helping in arresting the issue of malnutrition through manufacture and enough assessment of food and drugs used in the country.

Other international bodies and Ngo like the World Bank amelioration fund; the world health society (Who); the United Nations agencies (Unicef, Unfpa and Undp); The African amelioration Bank; the Ford and Mc Arthur Foundation etc. All of them have contributed their own quarters to the revision of the nationâ??s health and nutrition.


The many solution to nutrition can be captured in this slogan, â??Catch them youngâ??â??, Children are most vulnerable to malnutrition in Utero and before they reach three years of age, as growth rates are fastest ad they are most dependent on others for care during this period. However, nutrition intervention, such as school feeding agenda which has started in Nasarawa State among children of school age are also foremost for strengthening studying capacity. Training and nutrition instruction is very important. nutrition instruction can well concentrate into former health care programs. The African Child survival agenda have reduced the high prevalence of malnutrition in many part of cause and an outcome of under nutrition economic losses from undernutrition includes, as percentages of total losses from all causes: foregone human productivity, 10 â?? 15% ; foregone Gdp, % - 10 %.

The government should also use mass media to originate essential concentration when needed. The government should also try to reach out to Habitancy in the rural areas who have lesser way to collection of government interventions. Moreover, improved nutrition is a particularly noteworthy antipoverty intervention because it can be achieved at low cost and it has a life long impact. investment in nutrition is one of the best options for economic growth and best group life.


1. King J, Ashworht A changes in infact feeding practices in Nigeria: an historical review. Occasional Paper No. 9. London : Centre for Human Nutrition, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medical, 1987.

2. Kazimi J, Kazimi Hr. Infact feeding practices of the Igbo Ecol Food nutrition 1979; 8: 111 â?? 6.

3. The United Stated Group of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Food, the year book of Agriculteur 1959.

4. Unicef, Strategy for improved nutrition of Children and women in Developing Countries, New york. 1990

5. Acc/Scn, Fourth report on the World nutrition Situation Geneva: Acc / Scn in Collaboration with the International food course study organize N2000.

6. Http ://Www . Unu. Edu/unupress/food/v191 e/cho 6 . Htm

7. Http ://Www. Fao . Org / docrep / 033/ x9800e /x9800 e07 . Htm.

8. http :// Www. Online Nigeria. Com/education/ index.asp.

9. Yu xiaodong. Performance Neede At the national level, The Chinese experiment Scn News amelioration In International Nutrition. No. 32, mid - 2006.

10. Armar Ma. Maternal energy status lactational capacity and baby growth in rural Ghana: a study of the interaction of cultural and biological Doctoral thesis, University of London, 1989

Impact Of nutrition On The National schooling And wholesome increase

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The Best Affordable Skin Care for Women Over 50 Has Just Been Revealed!

Many women 50 and over are finding for the best affordable skincare. The usual skin care for a 50 year old woman is not the same as a woman in her 20s and 30s. And though the use of makeup and other skincare products should be mild enough, other skin needs should not be taken for granted.

Women ordinarily go straight through the menopausal stage. Many changes inside her body will take place while this stage. There can be some condition condition that will occur and even skin disorders like wrinkles and other signs of aging that most women of age 50 worry about.

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A ideas composed of assorted products such as moisturizer, cleanser, and toner can be considered the best affordable skincare for a 50 year old woman. Many women at this age know how foremost it is go utter glowing smooth even-toned skin. This is the time in a woman's life when she needs to know she looks her best from head to toe.

The Best Affordable Skin Care for Women Over 50 Has Just Been Revealed!

Most women at age 50 and above tend to gain weight which can ensue in sagging skin and occurrence of fine lines. There are however available treatments to tighten the skin but mostly are expensive, however if you research you will find good products that are affordable skin care.

Women at 50 can opt for nutritional supplements rather than going for laser medicine or surgical operation however it may not be so productive for them. Many women favorably take supplement capsules to restore their looks. Omega3 fish oil is great for skin. It helps to furnish the body with valuable fatty acids.

The anti aging skin care can be used by these women which includes topical creams and facial lotions that help sell out signs of aging. Pick to use products that include CynergyTk, CoQ10, and Phytessence Wakame to treat wrinkles and sagging skin.

You can find these ingredients in superior products only. These substances are capable of stimulating your body to produce more collagen and elastin to make your skin firm and naturally elastic. It is foremost to make sure that the products you use have these all natural ingredients.

A thorough research is needed to find the top ability affordable skin care for 50 year old woman. Products that have fragrances, alcohols, and preservatives should be avoided. ensue the tips given above they will help you accomplish skin glowing and radiant.

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Know How to Do Breast Massage

Breasts are body tissues, which can be effectively self-massaged or massaged by person else. At some time or the other, most women perceive physical and psychological trauma associated to breast congestion, breast pain, discomforts of surgical procedures, and anxieties about changes in their breast tissues.

The fact that breasts are strongly associated with sexual touching and attractiveness, does not rule out the fact that they should not receive physical care. Breast care is an important area of condition that is often neglected, due to the stigmas surrounding the medicine of this part of the body.

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The breast tissue contains an abundance of lymph vessels. Unlike other areas of the body, the breast lacks sources of external compression, such as muscles or strong overlying frontal part that promotes natural lymphatic drainage. As a result, fluid has a tendency to stagnate, which may lead to breast problems. This is where gentle, non-stimulating massage techniques can be used to aid fluid recirculation.
Massage therapy is an productive non-invasive medicine for breasts, as they also wish need good circulation and tissue mobilization for optimum health. It is at times believed that there may be a correlation in the middle of continuing poor breast drainage and susceptibility to cancer. Massage techniques is one of the most productive ways for addressing such problems and promoting breast health.

Know How to Do Breast Massage

Advantages of breast massage:

# Breast massage is a view used by women since centuries. It is a easy process, which can be done in the privacy of home. Secondly, it is an easy process and doesn't take more than a few moments to accomplish.

# The breast is made up of tissue and adipose fat. A firm and proper massage helps tone these tissues and firms them up. This gives the breasts a healthier and more natural look.

# Breast massage help originate a beautiful bust line by helping to shape and tone it, thus increasing its thorough attractiveness.

# It helps one be aware of any fibrous areas of inherent indications of breast cancer.

# It helps flush out high toxin materials from the breast, bring food to the tissues and specifically remove the toxins via the lymphatic system.

# It gives women a feeling of their femininity, and promotes leisure and peace of mind, as massage of other body parts does.

# Breast massage helps precise sagging, droopiness and other features, which are considered unattractive.

# Breast massage helps heighten the condition and elasticity of the support ligaments, which in turn provides good breast support.

How to do breast massage?

Women's breasts vary considerably in texture and sensitivity to pressure. Hence, diplomatic strokes for those who are sensitive or have softer breasts. Moderate pressure may be more productive for those with firmer-textured breasts. A lotion or massaging oil can also help avoid friction, and lessen sensitivity.
Gentle-to-moderate kneading, rubbing, and squeezing strokes with the hands are enough to encourage increased lymph and blood flow to the breast. The breast can be kneaded and squeezed by contracting the palm and fingers of the hand.

1. To drain the lymph fluid from the breast, a tasteless massage stroke is a diplomatic radial outward stroke from the nipple to the outer edge of the breast. This is done by applying light pressure starting from the centre of the breast and making any strokes outwards from the nipple.

2. Hold your breast. But, instead of squeezing it out, give it a twirling kind of motion. Rotate your hands (and thus the breast) in a clockwise motion, followed by an equal anticlockwise motion. Continue this for about ten times.

3. Open out your palms on the breast such that are facing downwards. Then move your palms downwards so that the fingers rub against the side surfaces of the breast. This should be avoided on the nipple, as it may spoil its shape.

A gradual feeling of warmth in the massaged area indicates increased blood flow to massaged areas.
To gain maximum benefit and therapeutic effects, breast massage should be practiced daily, as part of a disposition - possibly when fresh out of the shower, since the skin is still somewhat moist. Massage can also be done any times a day, depending on requirement and schedule.


Breast massage is a very easy process that can be done by the individual. However, it must be done with the utmost care. Improper breast massage can easily boomerang, like damaging of the glandular tissues that hold your breasts upright.

Lymph drainage therapy for breast care:

Lymph drainage therapy (Ldt) is a gentle, non-stimulating technique with few contraindications. Ldt is particularly productive for treating breast tissue because it involves extremely light pressure. Mastopathies acknowledge well to lymphatic breast care.

Breast problems, which benefit from Ldt include:

# Menstruation associated problems - breast pain and swollen breasts.

# Pregnancy and breast-feeding problems - engorgement due to gigantic breast edema, sore nipples, inflammation/infection, plugged ducts or nipple pores, fissures, dermatitis and stretch marks.

# Chronic non-malignant lumps -

# Breast implant complications

# Cosmetic concerns such as surgical operation and trauma recovery; scarring.
It is time for productive breast care to be brought into the realm of acceptable practice. Armed with proper knowledge and a clear insight of our limits, we can eliminate the controversy and stigma surrounding this necessary therapeutic application.

Know How to Do Breast Massage

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How to Get Rid of Vomit Smells

Vomiting is one of the ways your gastrointestinal principles gets rid of the "bad stuff." Normally, it is a short-lived symptom; but the consequences of vomit should be quite apparent to even the most feeble minded.

When you have children, pets, and/or a indispensable other that suffers from bouts of vertigo/morning sickness, vomit is an unpleasant reality that you may have to clean up now and then. It's prominent that you clean up immediately to avoid staining and to swiftly disperse the unpleasant odor. For more data regarding this topic, just read and follow the uncomplicated tips below.

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Vomit Smell Removal

How to Get Rid of Vomit Smells

* remove the vomit from the floor covering or other surface; this should all the time be the first step. Try to do this without spreading the mess around and be sure to wipe up any solids so that only the wet spot remains. Also, if nauseous, be sure to open up the windows for fresh air to let the fumes out, lest you donate your own two cents into the pile of semi-digested goop.

* parasite the spot stained by the vomit with cool water. Then add half a cup of salt to two quarts of water and use this to supplementary parasite the area and rinse with plain water.

If this does not work, soak the stain for 30 minutes with cool water. Blot the area again with a parasite and some diluted dish detergent until the stain is gone.

* Heavily sprinkle pet floor covering deodorizer on the area and let sit for a short time. The just vacuum it up! You may have to do this a join of times; if so, let the second "dose" sit for a while longer or even rub the deodorizer in with a damp rag. Let it dry and vacuum again. That should do it.

* There's just something about vinegar when it comes to stains and odors, isn't there? Vinegar (a weak acid) is a great way to clean, disinfect and deodorize surfaces, including those victimized by vomit.

Of course, vinegar doesn't smell much best than vomit (one would say they smell practically the same), but the smell of vinegar ultimately diminishes, while vomit smells doesn't. It's the lesser of two evils, if you will.

* If vomit has penetrated the actual cushion of your coach or carpet, you may have a harder time getting rid of the smell, but keep trying. You may have to saturate a cushion in vinegar water to get to the center to neutralize this smell.

Afterwards, let the cushion air dry covering in the warm sun for a few days. Then, just to be sure it's dry all the way through, put the cover back on and tumble dry it at the laundromat with fabric softener sheets. The combined heat of the sun and the laundromat should help kill the vomit odors that the vinegar water didn't neutralize.

* an additional one thought; after you've thoroughly gotten rid of the vomit smell, try child-proofing your couches. If the cushions have zippered covers, take all of the cushions out, and wrap the cushions in large plastic bags, tape tight as possible. Then put the cushions back in their cases.

Not only will you have waterproofed your cushions, but it the plastic-wrapped cushions are beyond doubt cleaned and maintained. Conversely, once you buy new cushions, never take them out of their vacuum-tight plastic packaging.

* Steam cleaning will help remove vomit smells. If soap and water doesn't work, try renting a suited steam cleaner with a hand-held attachment. Anyone you do, don't use harsh chemicals and make sure you do your best to dry the area you've cleaned.

* Here's an ensemble recipe using a whole bunch of cleaning agents: try spraying the affected area with a combination of vinegar, Pine-Sol and a scented liquid soap. Let it dry thoroughly, and then use some Febreze spray to stop the job. It's beyond doubt hard to work straight through all that, but it beats trying to run out to buy new furniture.

* Pour a compassionate whole of baking soda over the area and let it soak in. This will help get rid of the vomit odor; sodium bicarbonate is a great absorbent powder. Then vacuum up the baking soda residue completely.

Once that's done, set a towel over the damp area, press down on the towel and leave it until the area dries completely. If the stench persists, either consult a cleaning professional or repeat this recipe until the stench is gone.

* Speaking of cleaning professionals, they're also an open selection for vomit smell removal. Anyone the situation of the hirer, a professional cleaning aid can cost a lot less money than most population would expect. Indeed, if all else fails, industrial floor covering and rug cleaning tool do exist to help you out.

The cleaners supply all the tool and detergents and above all, they have the perceive of having cleaned rooms which would probably make your vomit-stinking room smell like the Rose Parade in comparison.

Vomit Smell Removing Products

* Nature's Miracle truly is a miracle when it comes to bad odor removal, even vomit smell removal. Cat urine is the worst and hardest smell to get rid of, but it beyond doubt folded against the power and potential of Nature's Miracle. You just need to saturate the affected area with the product and the natural enzymes will immediately get to work to rid you of the offensive smell.

Furthermore, it's not just for cat urine; it also removes all organic stains and odors, including foods, blood, vomit, feces, grease, dirt, grass, smoke and perspiration. Add that to that fact that it's usable on carpets, floors, furniture, clothing, and so on and so forth, and you have a winning brand right there! Goodbye, vomit smell!

* There's this product called Dryell and you find it in Wal-Mart; it comes in a kit with bags and a bottle of special cleaning fluid. If you take the fluid and squirt it on the vomit stain repeatedly while blotting it with a white rag, the stain will ultimately come out.

* Pine-Sol is a household cleaning agent used in bathrooms, kitchens, and other cleaning applications. The customary ingredients in Pine-Sol are pine oil, surfactants and isopropanol. Labeling also warns of alkyl alcohol ethoxylates article in the product, but all in all it's a good cleaning product when it comes to vomit odors as well.

* Fresh Wave has an array of all natural, non-toxic and earth-friendly products for the laundry, upholstery, floors and the air that are designed to attract, capture and neutralize sour house odors.

* Buy a large pump of Febreze; it works on everything. Smelly hampers, sticky rental cars, sleeping bags that stink of camp fire, and of course the topic of discussion, odoriferous regurgitated food; you name the smell, Febreze can swiftly quell.

How to Get Rid of Vomit Smells

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beauty Salon Floor Plans

A attractiveness salon has become an approximately iconic image in Western culture. It is a place where citizen go for attractiveness treatments and to purchase attractiveness products. Women frequent attractiveness salons to get their hair trimmed and nails polished.

A attractiveness salon is also a center for community news and confessions. No two attractiveness salons have the same environment. Each salon tries to have its own clear identity and ambience. Some cater to a particular section of the society, while others meet the demands of clear ethnic communities.

Pregnancy Care Centre

There are hundreds of inspiring possibilities for designing your salon with creative and well-organized working floor plans. To begin with, make a rough sketch of the salon with proper dimensions. The floor layout is drawn using a grid paper or an architectural scale. For a good attractiveness saloon, the general space required per stylist is colse to 125 to 150 quadrilateral feet. The salon should also contain rooms for facials, massages, skin care, or electrolysis, as well as a men's hairstyling space with small waiting area, and a tint room.

beauty Salon Floor Plans

Many attractiveness salons are now remodeled in order to make the interior as well as the floors more attractive. Even though one can undertake the remodeling planning and designing by oneself, it is good to consult an architect or interior designer for pro assistance. An architect's guidance will help a lot in the structural redesigning of a attractiveness salon. Take special care in designing the reception area as it creates the first impression concerning the salon.

Various versions of floor plan software are ready for free on the Internet. These can be de facto downloaded to generate great seeing floors for the salon.

beauty Salon Floor Plans

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Pregnant Guinea Pig Care

Guinea Pig Pregnancy Female guinea pigs become fertile beginning as early as four weeks although pregnancy is not recommended until body weight has reached one pound. If the female is too small she may have trouble delivering the babies and special steps will need to be taken. Consult your veterinarian on the methods you can use to safely help a young sow if you find a pregnant one on your hands.

The midpoint guinea pig pregnancy can last from 64 to 72 days. A female can give birth to one to six babies with three to four being average. Some sources indicate that the longer the gestation duration the smaller the litter. By the time birth is eminent, the weight of the babies will list for 30% of the female's total body weight.

Pregnancy Care Centre

In order to reserve this growth expect your guinea pig to want more food and water as she could be supporting up to six babies. Be sure that the food being fed is particularly high in vitamin C as requirements double to 20 mgs per day during pregnancy. If food pellets are being used this is a good time to double check the capability of the stock - look for 100% of the daily requirement of vitamin C as well as 20% crude protein and 16% fiber. Supplement her as usual with fresh fruits and vegetables focusing on foods high in vitamin C. Recommended foods comprise parsley, cabbage, and dandelion.

Pregnant Guinea Pig Care

During this time be sure and remember to continue to let the pregnant female out for rehearsal and play. Be careful to avoid unnecessary stomach squeezing as well as stress on the female.

Advice about when to move the pregnant guinea pig into a separate cage is mixed. What is known for sure is that by the time the female gives birth, she'll need to be moved into a separate cage. Male guinea pigs will be a threat to the puppies and the female will be fertile again immediately. No female should have back to back litters as it is cruel and detrimental their health. Some sources indicate that if neutered the father of the puppies can remain in the cage with the mother. If the father is in the cage during birth he may support with delivery by cleaning and warming the babies. Cooperation is not guaranteed and if the female appears distressed by the nearnessy of the male - take off him from the cage. How early the female is moved is dependent on how much room there is in the existing cage and whether or not the pregnant female appears to be enjoying the business of others. If worried, move the female. In normal though, a week before birth should be the minimum.

Pregnant Guinea Pig Care

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A Guide to the Baby Shows Exhibitions

For three days packed with information, advice and entertainment, head out to one of the Baby Shows Exhibitions. The event focuses on pregnancy, birth, babies and toddlers. Young mothers, individuals who care for infants, paediatricians, experts, manufacturers of baby products and more gather for the opening to change views, offer tips, and provide recent information. Visitors will get the opening to try and buy a collection of baby products.

In connection with Uk parenting club Bounty and sponsored by Volvo, the Baby Show will take place in Earls Court, London from the 17th to the 19th of October 2008. It will then move to Manchester Central from the 14th to the 16th of November 2008. From 27 February to 1 March, 2009, the Baby Show will be back in London at the ExCel, and from the 15th to the 17th of May 2009, the show will be held at the Nec Birmingham.

Pregnancy Care Centre

All four venues are thinkable, to draw a total of 90,000 visitors in 2008, making it the excellent opening for exhibitors to join together with their target audience, to demonstrate their products and services, and to create partnerships with linked providers. This amount beats the 2007 article when a total of 74,000 visitors attended the four events.

A Guide to the Baby Shows Exhibitions

The assosication committee is highly helpful to exhibitors. The corporate website offers an endless amount of advice and reserve on the best ways to promote the stands and products. It also provides facts for consumers, parents of babies and toddlers, expectant mothers and so on.

At Earls Court this year, visitors will be able to try products from Mothercare, Out & About and gather by Car. Fashion shows will be held and a Vtech Baby Smart Play Zone will keep young ones entertained. A professional photographer will take photographs for visitors at the relax Pure stand, where one copy of the photo can be retained by the parents for free. The babies photos will be entered into a competition with discrete levels for winning prizes. The main winner will be awarded a modelling contract.

A condition professional advice Centre will also be available for anything with questions about pregnancy, birth, parenting, feeding, emotional or physical development or even child safety. At the ExCel show, Tv presenter Saira Khan will be gift advice to 'mumpreneurs'. The Nec show offers talks by Life Coach Amanda Alexander on striking the excellent work-life balance.

A Guide to the Baby Shows Exhibitions

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Universal condition Care - Ethical Issues in condition Care Reform

Universal condition care seems to be a hotly debated topic whenever condition care reform in the United States is discussed. 

Those who mouth that condition is an individual responsibility do not want a law that requires them to contribute tax dollars to hold fellow citizens who do not act responsibly in protecting or promoting their own health. They argue that they want the freedom to choose their own physicians and treatments, and advise that government cannot know what is best for them.  These people argue that preserving the current law with improvements to supply better assurance coverage for citizens who remain uninsured or under insured for their medical care needs is the only reform that is needed.

Pregnancy Care Centre

Those who believe condition care is an individual right hold a universal condition care law with the discussion that every people deserves to have access to the right care at the right time and that a government's responsibility is to protect its citizens, sometimes even from themselves.

Universal condition Care - Ethical Issues in condition Care Reform

Two opposing arguments arising from two opposing ideologies.  Both are good arguments but neither can be the supporting discussion for implementing or denying universal condition care.  The matter must be resolved straight through an ethical framework.

Examination of the ethical issues in condition care reform would require notice of much separate arguments  than those already presented.   Ethical issues would center on the moral right.  discussion would begin with not "What is best for me?" but rather  "How should we as a community be acting so that our actions are morally correct?"

Ethics refers to determining right and wrong in how humans recapitulate to one another.  Ethical decision manufacture for condition care reform then would require human beings to act in notice of our relationships to each other not our own individual interests.

Examination of some of the tasteless ethical decision manufacture theories can supply a foundation for a separate perspective than one that is solely concerned  with individual possession and freedoms. 

Ethical decision manufacture requires that specific questions be answered in order to determine on either intended actions are good or morally correct.  Here are some questions that could be used in ethical decision manufacture for condition care reform.

  • What activity will bring the most good to the most people?
  • What activity in and of itself is a good act and helps us to fulfill our duties, obligations, and responsibilities to each other?
  • What activity in and of itself shows caring and concern for all citizens?

As the rejoinder to all  these questions, universal condition care can all the time be thought about the right thing to do.

The United States is in the most advantageous position there is when it comes to condition care reform.  They are the only developed country without a national condition care law in place for all citizens.  They have the chance to learn from the mistakes that have been made by all the other countries that have already gone down the universal condition care road. They have an chance to compose a law that can shine as a jewel in the crown of universal condition care systems everywhere. 

However, all ethical decision manufacture is structured colse to values.  In order for universal condition care to be embraced by all citizens in the United States, they will first have to agree to the communal value of equity and fairness and embrace the goal of meeting their communal responsibility to each other while maintaining individual possession and freedoms. That may prove to be the most difficult obstacle of all.

Universal condition Care - Ethical Issues in condition Care Reform

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A emergency pregnancy Centre Provides Counselling for Women Facing an Unexpected pregnancy

It is very important for every woman to say her health so that she can stay happy, strong and thriving. Women palpate a variety of changes during their lifetimes, and this means they must pay particular attention to their health during these times. If women are pregnant, then she should do whatever it takes to stay healthy. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to stay wholesome and prosperous while pregnant. Pregnancies can be much unexpected to some women, and this leaves them panicking and unsure of what to do. There is a lot that women must do to stay wholesome while pregnant, but not every women knows the steps to take. Fortunately, there are a incorporate of separate services available to help pregnant women say their health.

A emergency pregnancy centre is a vital tool for a woman who is facing an unexpected pregnancy. These centres are non behalf organizations that help women find alternatives to abortion. Many women who face unexpected pregnancies get abortions because they are unsure of their options.

Pregnancy Care Centre

Crisis pregnancy centres furnish options and facts to pregnant women. These organizations are typically run by Christian groups or churches that are pro-life. The services in case,granted by emergency pregnancy centres vary from centre to centre, but some base services are financial assistance, adoption programs and child rearing resources. Most emergency pregnancy centres do not furnish curative services, but they typically offer referrals to obstetricians and other health care services. A few emergency pregnancy centres do furnish minor curative services such as pregnancy tests and sonograms. Some emergency pregnancy centres furnish free sonograms because they believe this dissuades expectant mothers from choosing to have an abortion.

A emergency pregnancy Centre Provides Counselling for Women Facing an Unexpected pregnancy

Pregnancy counselling is in case,granted at emergency pregnancy centres, but counselling can also be in case,granted through other resources. Many women select pregnancy counselling due to an unwanted pregnancy, but services are also available to pregnant women who are suffering from stress and psychological issues. Pregnancy counselling provides psychological health services to pregnant women. Some of these services contain introducing women to alternatives to abortion and giving them facts on staying wholesome while pregnant. Counselling centres furnish non biased, medically strict facts to pregnant women in order to help them perform the best prenatal health possible. Pregnancy counselling centres furnish facts such as the names of local doctors and hospitals in case a pregnant woman faces an emergency. Some pregnancy counselling centres also furnish resources for postnatal care; these resources contain treatment for postpartum depression and other psychiatric disorders that come after the birth of a child.

Women can very literally face an unexpected pregnancy, and it is natural for them to feel worried, scared and confused. Fortunately, these great resources are available to every pregnant woman. Either a woman wants to have an abortion or contemplate other options, these resources are available to guide them to a choice that is healthy, safe and medically sound. Every pregnant woman should take advantage of these services in order to say the best health imaginable.

A emergency pregnancy Centre Provides Counselling for Women Facing an Unexpected pregnancy

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Tel Aviv, Israel's Best Hospitals

Tel Aviv is the second largest city in Israel after Jerusalem and the financial and economic center of the country.  The city is settled on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea; it is the part of Gush Dan, a large metropolitan area in Israel. The Ministry of health is responsible for the management and planning of health services in the country. The hospitals in the city are well managed and have contemporary facilities.

The Atidim medical Center is a well known hospital especially famous for its elective, ambulatory procedures and operations, medical treatments and consulting throughout the country. The hospital has accreditation from the Ministry of health of Israel. It is a surgical day center and the procedures carried out here do not require a outpatient to stay in the hospital for over a day. The hospital is well qualified with contemporary amenities and a very trained staff. The hospital carries out procedures like plastic surgery, orthopedics, Ent surgery, general surgical operation and ocuplasty.  Atidim medical Center is settled at 24 Habarzel Street, Tel Aviv, 69710.

Pregnancy Care Centre

Assuta runs eleven healthcare centers over Israel and is the largest inexpressive medical center in the country. The Tel Aviv center has been operational since 1934 and over the years it has acquired the reputation of being among the best hospitals in Middle East. The departments at the Assuta medical Center are Oncology Center, general Surgery, Ivf, Cardiac Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Imaging Institutes, Dialysis Institutes, Gastroenterology Institutes and Plastic Surgery. The hospital attracts patients from Uk, Usa and all over Europe. The hospital has a special unit devoted to the care of international patients and language is not a fence at the hospital.

Tel Aviv, Israel's Best Hospitals

The Ramat Aviv medical Center is run by the Non-Med Limited, a group dedicated to providing high ability services and cutting-edge technology to its patients. It is licensed by the Ministry of health and is backed by the Tel Aviv Sourasky medical Center (Ichilov Hospital). Some of the facilities at the hospital are an Imaging Institute, organize for Nuclear Medicine, Gastroenterological, Pain Clinic, Operating Theaters and the rescue Rooms.

Sourasky medical Center is an foremost hospital in Tel Aviv; it is also the third largest hospital involved in Israel. The group runs three medical centers together with the Dana Children's Hospital at Tel Aviv. The pediatric hospital is qualified to treat all ages from newborns to children up to 16 years old. A large estimate of patients are referred to the hospital by their original physicians for specialized rehabilitation and evaluation. A broad estimate of patients come for emergency illnesses and injuries; rehabilitation is given for bone fractures, car accidents, poisoning, burns, child abuse, lacerations, acute pain and illness. Apart from this the hospital provides services like surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery, Ent, urology, radiology, pulmonology, dermatology, hemato-oncology, endocrinology, cardiology, gastroenterology, and pediatric neurology service. The hospital can be reached at 3-6974500 or 3-6974501.

Lis Maternity Hospital is also run by the Sourasky medical Center and is among the largest obstetrics and gynecology hospitals in central Israel. The hospital is known for its gynecology department, the maternal-fetal rehabilitation department, Ivf unit, male fertility organize and sperm bank, menopause clinic, cervical analysis unit, uro-gynecology and pelvic floor clinic and various gynecology clinics together with pregnancy loss, sexual dysfunction, hysteroscopy and others. Additional facilities at the hospital are a neonatal department, and a sophisticated Nicu/Picu department.

Tel Aviv, Israel's Best Hospitals

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7 Tips To preparation For Your Baby's arrival

Of the delights and challenges that you will taste in life, not one is more startling than having a baby. From the very moment you witness you are expecting to the day you give birth, you will go through a lot of changes and witness new methods to care for yourself and the being growing inside of you.

One of the very first questions you will want answered is 'what is my due date?' It is nothing else but what every expectant mom wishes to know the moment they witness they are expecting, which only makes sense. If you can at the very least procure an evaluation of when you are due, it can act as a reminder of how much time you have to prepare for your limited bundle of joy. There is much to do to prepare for your baby so you might as well start now. Time flies very fast while pregnancies. Knowing you're due date will keep you on track.

Pregnancy Care Centre

The following tips will help you get ready for your baby's arrival. Given that your stay at the hospital will more than likely be a brief one, your transition homeward will be easier if you prepare (and have time to prepare) in develop of your baby's entry into the world.

7 Tips To preparation For Your Baby's arrival

1. prepare your baby's nursery or area they will be sleeping in and stock up on baby supplies and clothing.

2. procure all the tool you will need for the baby. Things like the car seat, baby bed, baby bottles and brushes, bag packed with essentials for the hospital.

3. Convention putting the car seat in the car. Sounds like a no brainer but you do not want to run into problems when leaving the hospital.

4. Attend a newborn care class if you have not had recent taste taking care of infants.

5. Attend Lamaze or ante-natal classes with your spouse or close friend to prepare for giving birth.

6. Read parenting books or online pregnancy sites that will help answers questions and relieve your fears of the unknown.

7. If you are going to be using cloth nappies and using a nappy service, make sure they deliver on a 24-hour notice, more specifically prior to your due date.

The list of things you will need to complete in establishment for your baby goes on and on, which gives you even more presume to presume your due date. Using a due date calculator can make it happen for you. There are several ready to you free on payment online and within a concentrate of clicks you will have your answer.

Because the majority of pregnancies last approximately 40 weeks, calculating a due date is centred on the law of averages. The ideal way to frame out your due date is to presume your pregnant state will continue for at least 40 weeks from the day you started your last menstrual cycle. Even better, use a due date calculator instead of doing the maths on paper.

7 Tips To preparation For Your Baby's arrival

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Heart Problems

In the last newsletter, we worked straight through the anatomy of the heart -- primarily to lay the groundwork for this issue. By using what we learned in the last issue, we can now explore:

Things that can go wrong with the heart.

Pregnancy Care Centre

Medical treatments.

Heart Problems

Limitations that may be possible in some of those treatments.

What you can do to turn the equation.

Incidentally, if you haven't read the previous newsletter, Anatomy of the Heart, you might want to do that now. It's not assuredly necessary, but it will make for a more rewarding perceive as you read this newsletter.

Problems of the epicardium

As you may remember, the epicardium is the lining that surrounds the heart muscle -- inside and out. On the inside, it's called the endocardium, and on the covering it's called the pericardium. Let's start our seminar of heart problems by looking at the epicardium -- not because it's the most leading part of the heart, but because it's a easy place to start and lets us dip our toes into the field before plunging into deeper waters.

Problems that can occur with the heart lining pretty much fall into two categories

Physical damage.

Inflammation caused by infection.

Physical damage is easy to understand, and commonly easy to repair. You're driving in your car, you get into an accident. You're slammed against the steering wheel or an airbag. Your body stops suddenly but your heart, powered by inertia (an object in appeal tends to stay in motion) keeps piquant send and tears the pericardium that holds it in place before bouncing back and coming to rest. This causes bleeding in the pericardial sac, which serves as the buffer in the middle of the heart and the chest wall and lungs. The extra fluid (blood) pumps into the sac under pressure which expands the sac, thereby squeezing and constricting the heart. If the pressure isn't relieved, it can build to the point where it constricts the heart so much that it prevents it from beating. Herbs and neutraceuticals are not much use here. Fortunately, curative intervention tends to be easy and effective in these situations. A catheter inserted into the sac to drain the excess blood and ease the pressure will commonly do the trick -- along with stopping the bleeding.

Inflammation (known as "itis" in curative terminology) is a little more complex. The primary cause of inflammation of the heart lining is infection, both viral and bacterial. Depending on which part of the lining is affected, it will be called pericarditis, endocarditis, or epicarditis. The inflammation can cause chest pain, strangeness pumping, or fever. These symptoms can be mild, acute, or even chronic. Appropriate medicine includes the use of antibiotics and antivirals. These are "usually" effective unless the basic infection is defiant to the arsenal of drugs at your doctor's disposal, which is a growing problem. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives together with garlic, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, etc. That can work even in the case of drug defiant infections.

Problems with heart valves

Also, as we discussed last issue, your heart valves are constructed like parachutes with tendons or cords anchoring them to the heart muscle to keep them from occasion too far. Their role is to allow blood to flow down from the atria into the ventricles, and then to seal shut when the ventricles pump so that blood doesn't back up into the atria, but is instead forced out into the main pulmonary artery from the right ventricle or into the aorta from the left ventricle. Problems with the valves are easy to understand and fall ordinarily into two categories.

Backflow, or regurgitation, is caused by misshapen or damaged valves or ruptures to the tendons that hold the valves in place. These things cause the valves to imperfectly seal with each heartbeat, thus allowing backflow into the atria.

Stenosis, or hardening of the valves, caused by disease or aging prevents the valves from fully opening. This limits the flow of blood into the ventricles so that they cannot fill completely in the fraction of a second the valves are open. Since the ventricle accommodation is now partially empty when it pumps, it generates less pressure with each beat, which ultimately reduces the amount of blood that flows straight through the body.

There can be complicated causes for both problems.

- either you were born with a problem. This can be genetic or it can be the result of nutritional problems in your parents' diet (either before you were conceived or while you were gestating).

- Over time, as a result of aging and poor nutrition, the valves shrink and turn shape.

- Infection has caused the valves to inflame so that they no longer seal perfectly.

- Diseases such as rheumatic fever and syphilis have scarred and hardened the valves.

- Valvular tissue can be damaged in the same way as heart muscle tissue as the result of a heart attack.

- Valve tendons may rupture, which means the valve no longer stays in place when backpressure is created by the squeezing of the ventricles.

The lowest line is that the pumping process becomes less efficient, and your heart has to pump harder and faster to compensate. Treatments can range from doing nothing, to using drugs to sell out infection and inflammation, to surgically replacing the damaged valves with artificial valves.

Doing nothing you might ask? Absolutely! In most cases, that's what doctors do. Why? The heart has gigantic support capacity. Last issue we mentioned that you can have 70% blockage of your coronary arteries and never perceive any outward symptoms. It doesn't stop there. Your heart also has a gigantic support pumping capacity and when called upon can increase output 5-8 times if needed. For example, in mitral valve prolapse (a health in which the mitral valve "falls down", or prolapses too far into the left ventricle allowing for backflow into the right atrium), there are commonly few symptoms or any problems. In most cases doctors will just make note of it and watch for any changes.

On the other hand, sometimes, there are symptoms. These can include:

- That old standby, chest pain.

- Fatigue and/or dizziness.

- Shortness of breath.

- Low or high blood pressure, depending on which valve is affected.

- Palpitations caused by irregular heartbeats.

- Even throbbing head headaches.

In those cases the valves are often substituted with mechanical valves. At one time, you could assuredly hear the mechanical valves make a little clicking sound as they opened and terminated 70-80 times a minute. This drove some population crazy when they tried to sleep at night. Newer models have overcome that qoute and are silent.

Now you might think since problems with valves are mechanical in nature that nourishment and supplements would not play much of a role in resolving them. If so, you would be wrong. Most curative doctors are not aware of this fact, but there are numerous studies showing nutrients matter -- and supplementation can assuredly turn the mechanical aspects of valve function. For example, it has been shown that magnesium plays a role in mitral valve prolapse.

Therapeutic result of a magnesium salt in patients suffering from mitral valvular prolapse and latent tetany.

Magnesium deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Mitral Valve Prolapse.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, nourishment and supplementation can play a primary role in maintaining optimum heart health -- and even reversing many persisting heart problems. We will talk more about this later; but for now let's recognize problems that happen within the coronary arteries.

Circulatory problems

The first blood vessels off the aorta are the two coronary arteries, which subsequently split off into numerous branches that feed the heart. Blockage of these arteries straight through the build up of arterial plaque is one of the most tasteless causes of death. The net result is ischemia, which means a "reduced blood supply." As I mentioned last issue, because there is so much redundancy in the branching of the coronary arteries, you can have up to 70% blockage and yet have no inescapable symptoms. At some point, though, you will have a heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction. The myocardium is the name of the heart muscle, and infarction means the "death of tissue." In other words, a heart assault is the result of loss of blood flow to the heart muscle, which causes death of heart muscle tissue. The severity of the assault is considered by:

Which part of the muscle is damaged. (Some parts are more significant than others.)
How widespread the damage is.

In some cases, population do assuredly die from their first heart attack. In most cases, though, the attacks are progressive -- with each assault killing more and more tissue until the remaining heart muscle can no longer carry the load. Depending on the extent of the damage, Appropriate curative treatments include:

Drugs, such as:

- Beta-blockers to slow heart rates and decrease blood pressure -- thus lowering the heart's demand for oxygen.

- Nitroglycerin to open coronary arteries and sell out the heart's demand for oxygen.

- Calcium channel blockers to open coronary arteries to increase blood flow to the heart muscle.

- Angiotensin-converting enzyme to allow blood to flow from the heart more easily, decreasing the workload on the heart.

- Angioplasty uses a balloon inflated inside the blocked artery to press the plaque against the arterial wall, thus clearing the blockage -- at least temporarily.

- Stents are like angioplasty on steroids. Instead of just pressing the plaque against the wall of the artery, the balloon is also used to also press a wire mesh against the arterial wall to hold the artery open.

- Bypass surgical operation involves using a vein (usually taken from the leg) to assuredly generate a bypass nearby the clogged area of the coronary artery.

Heart transplants.

None of these options is perfect. Angioplasty and bypass surgical operation (even though they have been in use for years) are assuredly unproven (for those of you who think everything in medicine is backed by peer reviewed studies). In fact, new studies indicate that they may assuredly give only little temporary relief with no prolongation of life -- not to mention an increased risk of stroke. Both stents and angioplasties (and bypasses too, for that matter) quickly re-plug, a qoute called restenosis, and need to be periodically redone or replaced. New forms of stents are coated with drugs to slow down restenosis but come with their own set of problems. Bypass surgical operation produces a dramatically increased risk of stroke, infection and profound depression. And heart transplants force you to stay on immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of your life.

Far and away the biggest qoute with all of these treatments, though, is that they only treat one manifestation of the problem, not the basic cause -- the fact that the arteries are blocking in the first place. It is here that alternative therapies excel -- both short term, and long term. For example:

Dietary changes can have a profound impact in reversing coronary heart disease as can a amount of supplements.

Shifting the balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids can eliminate a major source of heart attacks.

Hawthorne berries are tonic for the heart, working to support the relaxation and dilation of coronary arteries and expanding the flow of blood and oxygen to and from the heart. In effect, Hawthorne berries work much like prescription drugs, but without the side effects.

Blood Clots

Another aspect of coronary heart disease is the blood clot or thrombus. (If it becomes dislodged and floats free, it's called an embolus.) In larger arteries, a clot will only impede the flow of blood. In smaller arteries, it can completely block it. Thrombi form most often in the veins of the leg, where they then float off (now called emboli) and end up lodging in and blocking the smaller arteries of the heart, lungs, and brain. There can be many triggers for the formation of clots and emboli, but one of the more piquant is deep vein thrombosis -- the formation of blood clots as the result of prolonged sitting in airplanes and cars.

Preventing blood clots reduces the risk of stroke, heart assault and pulmonary embolism. The Appropriate medicine for those at risk of embolisms involves the use of drugs such as Heparin or warfarin (a form of rat poison), which are anticoagulants used to inhibit the formation and increase of existing blood clots.

But these drugs are perilous and need constant watching and regulating since they can cause internal bleeding. Far safer (and best since they also dissolve arterial plaque and help promote the heal of arterial tissue) are proteolytic enzyme formulations that couple specialized enzymes such as nattokinase.

Problems with the heart muscle -- the myocardium

In the end, when you're talking about the heart, it mostly comes down to the myocardium -- the heart muscle. The danger of coronary heart disease, for example, is that it starves the myocardium of oxygen and kills it. The danger of a valve qoute is that it troops the myocardium to work too hard. The danger of a bio-electrical/conductivity qoute is that it throws the heart muscle out of rhythm and causes it to lose its beat, or to fibrillate. (Fibrillation occurs when a heart accommodation "quivers" due to an abnormally fast rhythm and can no longer pump blood well. Fibrillation of the atrium is called atrial fibrillation; in the ventricle it's called ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular fibrillation commonly leads to death.) To paraphrase the Clinton campaign in the '90's, "It's all about the myocardium."

Problems in the atria

For the most part, problems in the atria are not life threatening. Even if both atria totally lose their quality to pump or weaken and balloon out, you lose maybe 30% of your total heart function. Without pumping, gravity and suction will still bring most of the blood down into the ventricles. There are, of course, times your physician will want to address problems, but for the most part, you can live for years with barely functioning atria.

Problems with the ventricles

Ah, but the ventricles are a dissimilar story. When the left ventricle goes into fibrillation, we're talking cardiac arrest. It's time to pull out the electric paddles. So what kinds of problems are we talking about?

Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart, is a form of cardiomyopathy (which assuredly translates as "heart muscle disease"). The qoute here is that blood flows more gradually straight through an enlarged heart, which increases the likelihood of blood clots. In addition, population with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia and/or sudden cardiac death. When cardiomyopathy results in a significantly enlarged heart, the mitral and tricuspid valves may not be able to close properly, resulting in murmurs. There may be complicated causes of myocarditis, together with viral infection. tasteless culprits include: influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis, and salmonella.

Ischemic cardiomyopathy is a feebleness in the muscle of the heart due to inadequate oxygen delivery to the myocardium, with coronary artery disease being the most tasteless cause. (Ischemia plainly means "reduced blood flow.") Anemia, sleep apnea, and hyperthyroidism can also contribute to ischemic myocardium.

Myocardial infarction assuredly means the "death of heart muscle tissue." Since heart muscle does not grow back, this has a snowball effect. If you have a heart assault that starves part of the heart muscle of oxygen so that it dies, that scar tissue does not recover. You now have a weakened heart that is more likely to suffer a subsequent assault -- leading to more heart muscle damage and increased chances for a third attack. And so on. It's not too hard to see where this leads -- to long-term loss of heart muscle activity and persisting heart failure.

Congestive heart failure (Chf) is a health in which your weakened heart can no longer pump out all the blood that flows into it. Chf is the most tasteless cause of hospitalization for population over age 65. It kills more than 50,000 population a year in the Us and costs the health care theory more than billion per year. The heart is just like other muscles. When it is weakened, it becomes enlarged and inefficient. This leads to congestion and flaccid muscle tone. In fact, it can even lead to prolapse of the heart in which the heart assuredly "drops" from its primary position in the chest. It is not unusual to need a stethoscope placement three to five inches below the general area when listening to a weakened heart.

Unfortunately, contemporary medicine comes up short when it comes to problems of the myocardium. Mostly it just deals with the aftermath.

If the heart stops beating, use the electric paddles to get it going again.

If no paddles are near, pop a nitroglycerine tablet.

Perform a coronary bypass to try and prevent any supplementary damage.

Use nitroglycerine tablets to open up the arteries in an urgency and prevent a heart attack.

When it comes to the muscle itself, nothing! But as luck would have it, here's where alternative therapies shine.

- All of the B vitamins, but especially vitamin B4 are significant for heart health.

- Congestive heart failure has been strongly tied to significantly low blood and tissue levels of CoQ10.

- Supplementation with CoQ10 can assuredly turn the size and shape of the heart.

- Studies have shown that high concentrations of heavy metals such as mercury directly compare to higher incidences of acute coronary events. Quarterly heavy metal detoxing directly reduces and ultimately eliminates that risk.

- Studies have also shown a direct connection in the middle of periodontal disease and acute coronary events. Quarterly use of avocado soy unsaponifiables, proteolytic enzymes, immune boosters, and pathogen destroyers can sell out the risk.

- Incidentally, electric paddles are not the only thing that can get a heart muscle going again. In an urgency cayenne pepper can do the trick too. A teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water taken every fifteen minutes can raise the dead.

- And in the end, the heart is a muscle, and like all muscles responds to exercise. Cardiovascular exercise, particularly interval training, can improve the efficiency and force of your heart.

Heart rhythm disorders

The heart is an unusual organ. It has millions and millions of cells, and each cell has the possible for electrical activity. In the general heart these electrical impulses occur in Quarterly intervals. When something goes wrong with the heart's electrical system, the heart does not beat regularly. Unlike most organs in the body, all the cells in the heart are wired together so that if a single cell fires prematurely or late, the neighboring cells will be activated and a mistimed wave will voyage over the heart. The irregular beating results in a rhythm disorder, or arrhythmia.

To quickly communicate from last issue.

Every heart beat begins in the sinoatrial node (Sa node) located in the right atrium. The Sa node is "smart" and adapts to the body's widespread need for blood and increases the heart rate when necessary, such as during exercise.

Electrical impulses leave the Sa node and voyage straight through special conducting pathways in the heart to the atrioventricular node (Av, node). The purpose of the Av node is to furnish a pathway for impulses from the atria to the ventricles. It also creates a delay in conduction from the atria to the ventricle. This delay allows the atria to compact first, allowing the ventricles to fill with blood before they compact themselves.

The delay ensures allowable timing so that the lower chambers have time to fill completely before they contract.

From the Av node, the signal travels down straight through a group of fibers in the center of the heart called the bundle branch-- and then to the ventricles.

So what can go wrong?

Due to natural aging or disease, the Sa node starts losing function and no longer produces the right amount of signals at the allowable rate.

The Av node commonly has one group of cells straight through which the electrical impulse can travel. However, due to aging or heart disease, it is possible for the Av node to create two or more groups of conductive cells. Because of the extra conduction pathways, your heart can at times beat more quickly than normal.

The bundle field (see above) becomes "blocked" as a result of a heart assault which damages the inner heart muscle and nerves. This stops the signal from traveling from the Av node to the ventricles. Left to their own devices, the ventricles create their own rhythm of about 20-40 beats per minute. This is much too slow for health and results in weakness, fainting, and shortness of breath.

Valve stenosis (stiffness) causes increased pressure in the atria (since blood never fully clears) which causes ballooning of the walls of one or both of the atria (aka atrial dilation). Because the atrium is now bigger, it increases the distance signal has to travel. The increased distance means it takes longer for the signal to reach its final destination which throws off the pacing of the heartbeat.

Medical Treatments

Typical curative medicine involves drugs such as adenosine, calcium channel blockers (e.g., diltiazem, verapamil), short-acting beta-blockers (e.g., esmolol), and digitalis.

The other option, of course, is the pacemaker. The pacemaker uses electrodes attached to the heart that take over from the Sa node to operate the beating of the heart. The pacemaker is run by a small computer installed in the body. contemporary pacemakers are externally programmable and allow for the selection of optimum pacing modes for personel patients. Some can even self-regulate and adapt to changing requirements such as stress or exertion. And some couple a pacemaker and defibrillator in a single device.

Drugs and pacemakers work reasonably well at keeping the heart going, but still address the qoute after the fact. Keep in mind that in most cases the rhythm of the heart was lost straight through degradation based on nourishment or disease. Installing a pacemaker does not address that problem; it merely bypasses it. On the other hand, it is possible to reverse many of those conditions nutritionally and thus reverse many of the connected problems.


Mineral deficiencies particularly in calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and many of the trace minerals can have a profound result on the electrical efficiency of the heart since they are responsible for running it. Supplementing with minerals and liquid trace minerals can make a profound difference.

Supplementing with CoQ10 can significantly improve the energy level of each cell in the heart, thus enhancing its quality to answer to an electrical stimulus and pass the signal on to its neighbor in a timely manner.

Shifting the balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids can eliminate a major source of potassium imbalance which can trigger heart attacks.


Let's take a break here, and next issue we'll desist our seminar of the heart by exploring what happens in your doctor's office:

- What tests does your physician run?

- What do they mean?

- What can you tell from them?

- What questions should you ask your physician when viewing the results?

For now, though, it's worth reviewing a key concept:

Although many problems with the heart may seem to be biomechanical in nature and beyond the purview of nourishment and supplements, that's not necessarily true. As we've seen:

- Magnesium supplementation can turn the shape and health of heart valves.

- The B vitamins can help rebuild the heart.

- CoQ10 can reenergize every single cell in the heart and can assuredly remold the size and shape of the heart after the onset of congestive heart failure.

- The use of Omega-3 fatty acids can reverse damage caused by Nefas.

- Proteolytic enzymes can furnish nutritional support for your body as it works to clean out the coronary arteries and heal damage to epicardial tissue surrounding the heart.

- The use of heavy metal chelators such as cilantro and chlorella can sell out the risk of an acute coronary event.

- Quarterly supplementation of a tonic made with cayenne and Hawthorne berry can rebuild the force of the heart.

- allowable dental care and the use of avocado soy unsaponifiables and proteolytic enzymes can sell out the incidence of periodontal disease, which reduces the chances of an acute coronary event.

- Quarterly use of immune enhancers and pathogen destroyers decreases the risk of most inflammatory heart disease and the incidence of viral and bacterial infections that can adversely influence the heart.

- And Quarterly exercise can advance the heart and improve its efficiency even in your eighth and ninth decade of life.

As usual, it's not just about pharmaceutical drugs and surgical procedures. Following the theory of the Baseline of health schedule can turn your heart...and your prospects for long-term survival.

Heart Problems

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Birth - Labour and Delivery Choices

Ever since you received the inescapable results of your fertilization test, you have been seeing forward to and (possibly) dreading the extreme experience, the birth of your baby. As the months have gone by, you have gently ready yourself for what is one of the most meaningful experiences you will ever go through - bringing your minuscule baby into the world.

If you are properly ready for labour and delivery, having a baby does not have to be that difficult. If you contemplate the choices in front of you and find what works for you, you will remember the pleasurable aspects of bringing your baby into the world far more than the pain that it involves.

Pregnancy Care Centre

Home Birth

Birth - Labour and Delivery Choices

Having your baby at home is becoming more and more popular in the western world. Paradoxically, when our grandmothers were young, most first babies were born in the hospital, and subsequent children were born at home. But as time moved on, this was thought about dangerous, and most women today have their babies in hospital. Today, the pendulum has started to swing the other way as many women want to have their babies at home as they feel more relaxed in their own space.

Hospital Birth

Statistically, most women still have their babies in hospital, and if this is what you determine to do, you still have choices to make. For example, what kind of care do they offer both while and your baby is born?

One of the most prevalent arguments about childbirth is the level of intervention that is necessary. For example, when it comes to pain relief, there are many options on offer. Some women prefer to use an epidural and not feel the contractions at all, or take drugs like pethidine, which will dull their sensations and awareness of what is going on.

Other women prefer to take a more natural route and to use the pain of the contractions to operate their own labour. This means using gas and air at the very most to dull the edge of the pain, but to get through the contractions by using breathing exercises. Breathing in the accurate rhythm helps the birthing woman to "ride" the contractions and to overcome the pain through attentiveness rather than indeed dulling it. She may feel the pain more, but she is much more complex and in operate of the process.

Vaginal Birth or Caesarean?

Sometimes, birth complications can lead to a caesarean instead of a regular delivery, which is not a matter of choice. But if this is your first baby following a caesarean, you should find out if you are able to deliver vaginally. (This is known as a Vbac.) Some women are able to, while others are recommended not to. Speak to your physician and find out the possibilities.

Another selection is having your baby in water, which, while not available in every social hospital, is often on offer in private centres and clinics. Water births are an incredible birthing palpate and make having a baby far less painful, read more about the benefits of having a baby in water. But some women may not feel comfortable with this process, and others may worry about the protection of the baby.

Every woman is different, and she will make her own choices based on what works best for her. While breathing is probably the safest selection as, unlike pain-relieving drugs, it has indeed no side effects, many women feel that this would not be sufficient for them.

Ask Your Childbirth Educator

To support you with making these choices, speak to your physician and the counsellor at your antenatal classes who are accompanying you all the way through your pregnancy. And once you know where you are having your baby and how you are handling your labour, you will hopefully look back at the birth of your high-priced minuscule one as one of the most meaningful experiences in your life.

Birth - Labour and Delivery Choices

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